Message from David Hendrick, President, AFGE Local 2463

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Current and Former Bargaining Unit Members;

It is my great pleasure to announce a major victory which your Union – the American Federation of Government Employees, Local 2463, has achieved on behalf of the Smithsonian Institution bargaining unit employees.

Years of hard work by your Union and its attorneys, Snider & Associates, has enabled AFGE Local 2463 to resolve its 2015 Overtime Grievance with the Smithsonian Institution and recover damages on behalf of the bargaining unit. For many years, management failed to both designate and pay many of our members correctly in accordance with the laws governing overtime compensation and, as a result, many of you were not properly compensated for overtime work.

Thousands of those employed between September 2013 and May 2020 will benefit from this resolution.

Settlement payments will be distributed by Class Action Implementation Group (CAIG), an independent organization that specializes in administering financial settlements in these types of cases.

On the CAIG website is detailed information you need in order to claim your eligibility to receive a share of the settlement according to the terms governing the distribution of these funds. It explains how and when the funds will be distributed, eligibility requirements, important time lines, and other important information.

Please be aware that you must follow all instructions and respond in a timely manner.

Your Union leadership, both past and present, worked hard for many years to reach this settlement on your behalf. In celebrating this huge victory, we remind you that this is just one of our many important successes in recent years and we encourage you to become a member of AFGE.

In Solidarity,

David Hendrick
AFGE Local 2463